Annex 11I

Measures to assist migrant workers exposed to abuse

    Avenues for assistance and redress

  1. Aggrieved migrant workers abused or exploited by their employers may approach LD for free advisory and conciliation services. They may terminate the employment contract prematurely without notice or payment in lieu and lodge claims at LD for statutory and contractual entitlements against the employer.
  2. The Government does not tolerate any abuse or exploitation of migrant workers, including FDHs. The prompt investigation and prosecution actions taken by the law enforcement authorities and the subsequent six-year jail term imposed on the former employer of an Indonesian domestic helper for assault and breaches of labour laws in 2015 demonstrate the high importance that the Government has attached to protecting FDHs. From July 2010 to March 2018, LD secured 203 convictions against employers of FDHs for wage offences.
  3. In 2016, EOC published a booklet entitled “Preventing Sexual Harassment – A Guide for Foreign Domestic Workers and Their Employers” in 2016 and translated it into Bahasa Indonesia, Nepali, Tagalog and Thai for distribution to FDHs. Besides, EOC also worked with consulate offices and NGOs to conduct over 50 workshops for FDHs over the past three years to promote their awareness of discrimination and harassment related issues as well as the existing legal protection. In 2018, EOC has collaborated with NGOs to train up a group of 40 FDH ambassadors to spread the anti-discrimination and anti-sexual harassment messages among their peers.

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