Annex 11K

LD’s work in promoting family-friendly employment practices (FFEPs)

  1. The work of LD in this regard includes encouraging employers to put in place flexible work arrangements such as part time or shared work, and provide family leave benefits and living support in the light of the circumstances of the employees and operational needs of the establishments, with a view to assisting employees fulfil their work and family responsibilities.
  2. The publicity activities to promote FFEPs and related good human resource management practices to the society at large are on-going, which include organising seminars, staging roving exhibitions in various districts throughout the territory, issuing publications of different themes, publishing feature articles in newspapers, disseminating relevant messages at LD’s homepage and different media channels, etc. Two large-scale seminars were organised in 2015 and 2016 for corporate executives and human resources practitioners to promote various FFEPs.
  3. Some commentators suggested that the Government should consider providing incentives or legislate for companies to adopt FFEPs. We believe that there is a business case for employers to adopt FFEPs. Moreover, considering that FFEPs have an extensive coverage, different enterprises have their unique business requirements and mode of operations, and family needs of their employees may also vary, it is more appropriate for enterprises to decide what FFEPs are to be adopted, having regard to the specific circumstances of their enterprises and employees’ preferences.

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