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Enhanced Home and Community Care Services for the Elders (EHCCS)

Bureau / Department Labour and Welfare Bureau and Social Welfare Department
Objective To provide elders in need with a wide range of home-based care and support services with a view to enabling them to maintain maximum level of functioning and continue living at home as far as possible.
Content EHCCS includes direct care services (e.g. nursing care, restorative and maintenance rehabilitation exercises, personal care) and support services (e.g. provision of meals, home-making services, transportation and escort services, carers support services, day care services, respite services, 24-hour emergency support etc).
Groups / Persons Affected Frail elders and their carers.
Impact At the promotion stage of the launch of EHCCS, it was observed that majority of the female carers that would potentially benefit from the introduction of EHCCS were housewives. Radio APIs were broadcasted and publicity materials were posted up in market places to promote the launch, with a view to making the information more easily accessible by these carers.

Sex disaggregated statistical data was collected so that the needs of women as well as men could be recorded.

The performance indicators report and benchmarking report were compiled using sex disaggregated data. Service providers also used sex disaggregated data as reference for service improvement planning.

Gender-sensitivity of the staff of the Contract Management Section was improved. Discussion and sharing sessions on gender mainstreaming were held among relevant staff.
Success Factor / Lessons Learned The designation of a gender focal point was conducive to ensure the implementation of gender mainstreaming.

Collection of sex-disaggregated data was fundamental in understanding the different needs of male and female service users.

Different methods should be used to reach sub-groups of potential users.

Sharing among service providers could enhance their gender-sensitivity.