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Staff Deployment for Operational Duties

Bureau / Department Immigration Department (ImmD)
Objective To strive for effectiveness of the operations while ensuring that the privacy and concerns of involved persons would not be undermined.
Content In deploying staff for escort and search duties, ImmD would ensure that the persons involved are handled only by officers of the same sex. For field operations, where persons of both sexes might be involved, operation teams comprising both male and female officers would be deployed to carry out the duties.
Groups / Persons Affected Action officers and persons involved in the operations.
Impact Staff deployment with gender awareness and sensitivity helps avoid unnecessary hiccups and allegations against officers of ImmD, thus enhancing the effectiveness of the operations.

ImmD has all along been gender sensitive and supported the gender mainstreaming concept. To promote this sensitivity among staff, gender-related courses have been arranged as part of the training to departmental staff, such as Anti-discrimination Ordinances / Equal Opportunities Commission Sensitivity Training.
Success Factor / Lessons Learned Promoting gender awareness among departmental staff would help avoid embarrassment and unnecessary gender-related allegations, thereby enhancing ImmD's effectiveness in performing its functions and boosting a positive image of the Department.